Thursday, August 23, 2007

Presentation to UF Committee

Hello To All! I shared the ELI focus session highlights with my colleagues and the director of Academic Technology yesterday. The AT director would like me to present the conference information to the Distance Learning Committee at their next meeting. This is terrific as this group has members from a variety of colleges and units on campus. As collaboration is a vital element, I feel that presenting to this committee is a good start!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Great Table 8!

I really enjoyed our table! Thanks to everyone for the great conversation and sharing! Boulder is a beautiful campus! I hope we can keep the conversation going on the blog.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Would A Wiki Be Better?

Now I'm wondering if a wiki would serve our purposes better. I could see us posting our "brown bag" agendas and the like to share with each other. I just had blog on the brain. We could do both, or redirect to a wiki from here...or just leave it as is.

Blog Is Up - Edits Welcome

Folks - Let me know if I need to make any changes to our title or about us or anything else. Happy to add stuff too, just let me know. Great getting to know you all! Safe travels to all.